Moving into a Management Role

Course Description

Most people who are promoted to team leader or manager because of their core expertise, skills and knowledge, not because of any management skills. Once promoted they are responsible for the managing the group effort and maintaining group productivity. This often requires a substantial shift in attitude and focus and is often a steep learning curve for new managers. This workshop will give the managers practical techniques to adjust to the new role.

Duration: 1 days


This practical workshop is designed for new managers who recognise the importance of building on their existing knowledge by developing specific management skills.


Having completed this training the participants will:

Have a plan to identify their new priorities in the organisation
Make their own adjustment from doer to manager
Recognise the power of their influence and the limits of their authority
Discover some techniques to deal with challenging situations
Understand the importance of clear communication
Create an action plan to apply the learning in the workplace

Preparing for the role

Identifying your managers expectations of your role
Where do you fit in the organisational jigsaw?
Looking at your team or department with a manager's perspective
Changing your focus from tasks to people
Having a legal and equality awareness

Establishing your credibility as a manager

Leading by example
Identifying and communicating your priorities
Balancing control and encouragement in your management style
Avoiding management by telepathy or diktat
Engaging in open communication
Listening more than talking

Managing people

Getting to know your team
Managing former co-workers
Managing the person who is doing your old job
If you want something done right.
Delegate not abdicate
Managing with responsibility and without authority
The danger of demanding perfection
Catch them doing something right

Communication skills

Communication as a business tool
The rewards of active listening
The essential conversation closing techniques
Giving effective feedback

Management Effective management People Management Supervisor Supervisory skills Team Leader Team Management Time Management Management skills